Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Most Amazing Carpet Stain Remover EVER, seriously.

Ok, before I get started I need you to not judge me. My carpet is in an awful state.  I loaned a friend my carpet cleaner a good six months ago and we have beige carpeting and a 9 year old, enough said. 
I was given the opportunity to test out and review Greenwald’s Carpet and Fabric Stain Remover.  

Maybe I’m just a skeptic at heart but I didn’t have high hopes. I’ve tried a bajillion different stain removers and carpet cleaning solutions and never been too overly impressed with the results. Right by our back door a part of the carpet is practically black; I think it’s from dirt collecting on the door and when it touches the carpet the dirt goes into the carpet and I get an ugly black stain. 

You can see how it works in the video, and it works extremely well!  (I apologize for the not full screen, I generally remember to turn my phone but totally forgot this time!) It seriously took less than 4 minutes from start to finish getting that stain out. I was so excited I had to share the results with Facebook, you know it’s a big deal when it becomes Facebook Official!

But given my skeptical nature I had to try I out on a few more stains before I could give my full seal of approval.  I tested two more BAD stains in my daughter’s room.  Are they completely gone? No, it’s a stain remover, not a miracle worker.  But they are significantly better and I’m a little less ashamed of the state of my carpet!
The left pictures are before, and the right are after!

Oh, this is super easy to use btw.  You get these little packets that you just stick in the bottle and fill with water.  I’m not really good at reading directions and cut the packet open, poured in the solution and then filled with water, but obviously that wasn’t the end of the world.

This product is $19.95 on Amazon and you get enough product to make 6  32oz bottles!  If you want you can save yourself $3 and just order the little sticks for $16.95. You can buy them here:  Greenwald's Carpet and Fabric Stain Remover

I received this product for free in exchange for my honest, unbiased review.  All thoughts and opinions are my own!

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